Monday, November 04, 2013

Dear Diary

Yesterday, I was studying and I glanced over at Moawiz. He was writing something in a neon green diary. And when I saw what he was writing, I was exhilarated. He was writing a diary. He had written the date at the top and had described his day, all on his own.

I started writing diary when I was in 6th grade. Than I stopped writing. I picked up the pen again in 8th grade when I thought that life was cruel which it really was not. But I guess it was for a 13 year old. Ahhhhh ! The life of a 13 year old.

 Anyway, my diary found me writing in it once again in 9th grade. So my relationship with it is very on and off type. When things seem very hard, I write in my diary. When things are awesome and I cannot contain my happiness, I write it down. And like an everlasting companion, my diary is always there to welcome me with open arms, never complaining for abandoning it. I have to say that I probably have more diaries than I write in. What can I say ? I love diaries. Especially when there is leather, quotes and keys involved.

I am amazed that Moawiz wants to write a diary. Its an amazing habit which contributes to so much when you grow up. I hope that he follows this through. And that someday, I can tell him all about this day.

P.S. Please excuse my horrendous photography. :D


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